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baby got back

day one. 

I have done little, and when I say little I mean zero, truly dedicated exercising since my second knee surgery. Partially due to never finding something that I was passionate about and partially because it is so much easier to be lazy, it just never happened. However, I have…ballooned. I say that in the most polite way possible. A combination of being sedentary, eating poorly while studying, terrible sleep patterns, and what I suspect is sleep apnea has contributed to my scale’s growing number. With that being said, I am not a numbers girl. I do not get hooked on how much I weigh, but rather how many closets of clothes I own which I cannot wear. Current closets are assigned as the following: always, sometimes, never. As in: Closet #1 I can always wear, Closet #2 I can sometimes wear, and Closet #3 I can never wear (most of which is from more than 3 years ago).

So! Today is Day 1 of my “Get Skinny” plan (I appropriately have an iTunes playlist titled the same). I found this awesome deal on Groupon for this local workout facility that focuses on Boot Camp-style classes and lots of cardio. So I did the Groupon-thing and plan on getting my butt kicked today at 6am. My goal is to be so tired and sore later that I will struggle to lift my hands high enough to type my follow up post.

Measurements and weight taken and recorded in my excel sheet (for better or for... wait, only better!)

Let’s do this. 

The Boot Camp is run by two guys who rotate doing the morning and evening classes. Tonight was orchestrated by Arnold (and, YES, he has a Schwarzenegger accent... no lie). Apparently Arnold believes in upper body exercises only. An hour class involved all pushups, pull ups, planks, TRX exercises, with only wall sits for the legs.... Needless to say, I pray for no deliveries tomorrow and no surgeries where I need to retract or hold an appendage for an extended period of time because my most educated guess is that when I wake up at 6am tomorrow my arms will feel like they are carrying cinder blocks :) I measured all the important areas that I want smaller and more toned; I nearly posted them here for accountability purposes, but then I realized they are scary numbers and they shall stay in my spreadsheet on my desktop. 

Keep on keepin' on.


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