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updated projects because i have ZERO completed ones :)

well! slacker blogger that i am decided today would be a good "catch-up" post day. since the last blog post i successfully grouted tile (and it looks amazing, might i add) and my parents helped me lay about 1,000lbs (ok slight exaggeration) of mulch along the front/west side of my house. 

so! on to the bathroom -- my bathroom is an amazing original demonstration of 1950s tile. oh, and not just any tile ::: light green and big bird yellow tile. the major redeeming quality is that the grout is impeccable and the tile is all in one piece, no broken/cracked pieces. however, the sink, toilet and tub are all original and other than the tub they are in terrible condition. rusty corroded plumbing and disgusting yellow fixtures. voila! the project that followed my grouting success! below are before and afters. i decided it was most financially wise to remove the toilet and install a water-saving toilet and then get a new sink in there with some storage because the bathroom had zero storage and i do not have a linen closet. oh! and i spray painted the mirror frame white to hide the hideous brown that didn't go. will eventually replace light fixtures or paint them too. ps i am totally in love with spray painting. i have already attacked three items in my house. furniture would be wise to hide.... 

not too shabby. keep in mind, i am a super novice plumber, so the major work was done with my dad instructing me how to help him :) yay for dads. in fact, i believe we did the sink installation on fathers day, appropriately. 

after this installation we moved onto cabinet installation in the laundry. we came across a problem (READ: major hiccup) with regard to the electric situation, so we installed the upper cabinets and have put the bottom cabinet installation on hold until someone would like to fix the electric. interesting side note: called several electricians and apparently no one would like my money because no one showed up for their appointments we made. don't quite understand how a small business makes it when they do not keep appointments for new customers! anyhow, rant over. here are some shots of my fancy IKEA upper cabinets that i absolutely love. 

i took the last two weekends off from work on the house because i (and we) needed a break. it's been nice being a sloth and keeping my butt on the couch. other than an exhausting week back home for my 10 year high school reunion, which completely wiped me out because i am not incredibly social and large groups of people make me tired, i have done a whole bunch of *nothing* and it has been wonderful. anyhow, if i can ever get an electrician to show up (or if my uncle comes down to help me) the next project is grounding my electric situation and then finishing cabinets in the laundry. in the meantime i have started growing some herbs and veggies and they are doing very very well and i'm excited at the prospect of cooking with them soon. believe the next step will be transplanting them to a vertical garden. hooray :) 


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