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adding a little jingle to November

if you know me, you know i love projects. some are larger projects that take months. most are projects that happen as follows:

my mom: so, what do you want to do this weekend?
me: well, i have this project i've been wanting to do...

then we are off to michael's/hobby lobby/joann's/etc for goodies. then madness ensues.

saturday we had this exact conversation once i arrived at my parents' house. i then showed her this photo i found from pinterest - and we were off to the store!

the link i found was not linked to an actual tutorial
once i clicked the link i realized there was not an actual tutorial attached. i realized this was going to be one of those "fly by the seat of my pants" projects (read: MY MOST FAVORITE KIND). part one was finding ornaments and a frame. i started with michael's who had this adorable assortment of christmas/holiday/seasonal beaded word ornaments. i snagged one and my mom got a different word.

then we were off to hobby lobby because i was not excited by the shatterproof ornaments from michael's. here's the deal: you MUST use shatterproof ornaments or else the first time you open and close your door you are going to have a rainshower of glass ornaments because those puppies are going to shatter. mom and i had different plans, but realized we needed to share some ornaments to cut cost, so we started to mix and match. we found the following packages of ornaments and were quite pleased with our haul.
we found the most amazing selection of ribbon at michael's. i highly recommend starting there on your journey. ribbon was 60% off! 

from hobby lobby (were 50% off)

from hobby lobby (were 50% off)
choosing your ribbon will depend on the size of the ornament hook. make sure you ribbon will fit through the loop. we ended up with one very skinny (think 3-5mm) ribbon, one 1/4" ribbon, and one 1/2" ribbon to fit through the loops. we picked colors that went with the ornaments, but did not overpower the color scheme. we had a lot of green and red going on, so i decided my big bow on top would be white and sparkly. mom fell in love with elves, so her decision was made very quickly.

step one is painting your frame. i love spray paints that have primers built in so that they require fewer coats. i love green; mom used red. two coats were enough. after they are thoroughly dry you are ready to rock and roll.

after the ribbons were passed through our loops the next step was to arrange the ornaments at varying heights and decide how we wanted them arranged. after we did this, i twisted a wire around the ribbons to lock the height in place.
measuring the proper height and arrangement

twist the wire around the ribbons to lock their length
after you have twisted the wire you are going to hot glue each ribbon to the back of the frame. i chose to fan them out to spread the support and so the hot glue wouldn't turn into a mountain of hot glue. after you have the ribbons glued in place and they have cooled, trim the length so the ribbons do not show from the front.
then i placed a generous amount of hot glue under the portion of the ribbon so that it would firmly attach to the top of the frame. then it was time to make a fancy bow. we spent some considerable time hunting diy ribbon making tutorials on pinterest and ended up using these two:

my mom and i used floral wire to tie the bows. she attached her bow to the frame with the wire, but i opted to use hot glue because i love me some hot glue! lol

our finished products below (p.s. i put a small dab of glue to attach my ribbon ends to the frame because i live close enough to the beach to get considerable wind and i want them to stay put).
before the bow

have fun and go make some christmas magic :) 


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