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so much for regular updates!

i realized today that i never completed a final "look at this" blog posting for my kitchen. long story short. i finished. cabinets, counters, backsplash, appliances. obviously, i do not have two microwaves (as demonstrated in the picture -- that one on the counter has since been relocated).

all in all, the kitchen project was incredibly rewarding. i do not want to do another kitchen in the next 5-10 years, but i learned a lot and despite the headaches and frequent obstacles i had a great experience. 

this was completed a while back (think before spring time lol) and have added some faux roman shades over the sink and painted my kitchen door a crazy vibrant yellow (from Clark and Kensington -- Mardi Gras). kitchen is completed. feels great.

soooooo, obviously i needed another project. about two months ago i found this beauty on a local site for sale. got it for $40 

problem -- once i got it home i realized there was some pretty significant water damage on the bottom of the end panels

so, i took my handy powered reciprocating saw, chopped on the bottom of each and measured & cut new panels to add to the ends 

with doors & drawers removed -- new end panels!

i have been creeping on pinterest for a while trying to gets the guts to try out chalky paint. i finally did it! i did some reading between annie sloan chalk paint and valspar chalky paint -- decided to go with valspar. i chose an absurdly loud color called Grosgrain. the instructions by a blog i read and the valspar site said you don't need to prime and it should take two coats for complete coverage. i DISAGREE. i wish i had primed it. to cover the dark wood, it took THREE coats to achieve full coverage. this matters when a quart of paint costs $29. ouch. anyhow... my plan is to wait two days for the paint to cure. then i will use a clear sealing wax and then an antiquing wax in dark brown to accent the detail work. here is where i am so far....

this was one coat only

one coat

then we added a second coat... and a third...

two coats

two coats ... hardware is removed. it is now a matte/satin black
actually what you see so far is just the bottom/base piece. there is a top part that i just started this afternoon, but i need a break. it has a lot of detail work and taking the doors off (included tons of hinges, handles, etc) was tedious. i'll post more when i have a finished project. 

SIDE NOTE: i removed the glass door panels and am planning a mercury glass finish. i did a test run yesterday and it looks pretty sick. might be the most exciting aspect of the project.


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