house. house. house. i bought my first house. a house with a yard (errr, area of dirt, sand, and sandspurs lol) and project opportunities galore. love it. parents visited and we uncovered what appears to be the ormond beach version of the garden of eden -- i say this due to the plethora of beetles, roaches, snakes, flies, and other creatures inhabiting the six inches of leaves in the yard (front and back). i'm hopeful the yard can grow some grass to fill in the gaps, as it has produced some although sparse. after raking, the second project was tackling some gnarly, vine-choked former shrubs that occupied the entire south portion of my property. (see below the "before" photo)
a little clearing done in this second one, but still frightening....
post linoleum layer one and two removal.... disgusting floors.
serious mold and mildew damage.... reeks.
where the closet was removed...
baking soda cleaning application numero dos... this followed two applications of fungicide which were horrifically unsuccessful.
....and voila! what we thought was the subfloor was not... it was another layer of disgusting 1950s flooring. this shredded/disintegrated as i chipped it away. after some googling i learned this may be asbestos flooring, so that room is now closed off and i am looking for self-leveling floor prep to cover this up, as that is what the EPA recommends. solid.
serious clearing performed! leaving the cute palms that were hidden underneath the vines
two of these piles... one on the east and one on the west part of my yard... 40 bags total
we did some serious work. then some fertilizer, grass seed, and watering was performed... still awaiting those results. i realize the yard will be one of those things that will be a long term project that will yield results slowly..... SO! i have a quicker project that will be more instantly gratifying. i present ::: my fourth bedroom aka indoor laundry-room-to-be! holler.
before shots
room before i bought it... with the previous owner's stuff... please note gorgeous fake tile linoleum floors.
where the closet was removed...
so tomorrow will be self-leveling flooring prep day and possibly application of said product if i get out of work at a reasonable time (never know on OR days). need to do the floor prep for the arrival of my manual laborers (read: PARENTS) this upcoming weekend. monday floor prep and application of self-leveling product. tuesday cleaning and priming ceiling, walls, base boards. weds and thursday painting said areas. more pictures to follow!
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