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Showing posts from 2010

things i already knew, learned, and wish i hadn't learned in 2010

things i've learned on my own, from my friends, and from facebook... ok, not the last part :)  1. go with your gut 2. you are your biggest obstacle 3. make them come to you; chase after no one 4. it is always interesting to see who stays on the boat once it starts rocking 5. you learn more about yourself by asking others about themselves 6. it is ok to not know the answer 7. be your own priority 8. i am the most comfortable 'me' i've ever been professionally, and for the first time feel like i'm doing exactly what i am supposed to be doing 9. "single" should not be treated like a four letter word ((plus, it's six letters.. lol)) 10. don't call people fat 11. call of duty is the enemy 12. if you're in chicago during the winter and you see a puddle of water, it is most likely ice, and if you step on/in it, you're gonna fall flat on your ass ((or at least tweak three muscles in your lower back trying to regain your balance)) 13....

voyeur's paradise

Airports have always intrigued me. It's one of those few sacred places where unabashed sobbing is permitted without the turn of a disapproving eye, and intense, public displays of intimate emotion is exhibited for all to see. The single tear glistening on a pink-kissed cheek, the wailing of children waving bye-bye as Daddy leaves for a business trip, and the near-cliche lovers' embrace that swoops the female from her feet, elevating her for just that single moment. Immensely powerful, solitary acts that, for that one second, convince you that no one else is there; no one else is watching, sharing this private moment. They are fleeting events, and yet their power is undeniable. Ever notice when one of these such events occurs and amidst the sea of travelers, a part forms, passengers flowing around these exhibitionists, revealing this quick glimpse into a fraction of their lives. I love to watch it happen, almost as though it is an intricately choreographed dance. It happen...

The Little Engine That Will.

I’m competitive. Not competitive like: I don’t like losing and will pout. Competitive like: if I am going to do something, play something, learn something, I must be great at it. Not as in passable and not a liability; great as in, I’m-going-to-beat-you-and-you’re-going-to-remember-me good. I do not and will never tolerate the phrase “good for a girl”. That is a back-handed compliment. When I am not up to par with something it doesn’t just bother me, it sits in my stomach like a lead ping-pong-sized ball that acts as a nagging reminder that I need to do better and be better. This does not simply apply to my athletic adventures. It spans all aspects of my life: sports, school, professional, personal, even fantasy football :) . I expect a lot out of those around me because I expect even more from myself. No one is a harder critic than I am. However, I recognize that I am on a journey. I am not sprinting. If I expect results of a sprinter, I will be disappointed in the long run. Yo...