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Showing posts from July, 2012

updated projects because i have ZERO completed ones :)

well! slacker blogger that i am decided today would be a good "catch-up" post day. since the last blog post i successfully grouted tile (and it looks amazing, might i add) and my parents helped me lay about 1,000lbs (ok slight exaggeration) of mulch along the front/west side of my house.  so! on to the bathroom -- my bathroom is an amazing original demonstration of 1950s tile. oh, and not just any tile ::: light green and big bird yellow tile. the major redeeming quality is that the grout is impeccable and the tile is all in one piece, no broken/cracked pieces. however, the sink, toilet and tub are all original and other than the tub they are in terrible condition. rusty corroded plumbing and disgusting yellow fixtures. voila! the project that followed my grouting success! below are before and afters. i decided it was most financially wise to remove the toilet and install a water-saving toilet and then get a new sink in there with some storage because the bathroom had...