I’m competitive. Not competitive like: I don’t like losing and will pout. Competitive like: if I am going to do something, play something, learn something, I must be great at it. Not as in passable and not a liability; great as in, I’m-going-to-beat-you-and-you’re-going-to-remember-me good. I do not and will never tolerate the phrase “good for a girl”. That is a back-handed compliment. When I am not up to par with something it doesn’t just bother me, it sits in my stomach like a lead ping-pong-sized ball that acts as a nagging reminder that I need to do better and be better. This does not simply apply to my athletic adventures. It spans all aspects of my life: sports, school, professional, personal, even fantasy football :) . I expect a lot out of those around me because I expect even more from myself. No one is a harder critic than I am. However, I recognize that I am on a journey. I am not sprinting. If I expect results of a sprinter, I will be disappointed in the long run. Yo...