i started thinking about my new ((four months old)) change in food intake. i honestly doubted it at first. figured it would end up being one of those things ((like cutting out dairy)) that i would try and fail to notice even the slightest improvement in my health. i was definitely wrong. two weeks of being gluten free made me realize how poorly i *had* been feeling for decades ((not being dramatic either)). since high school i remember being told that it was all *mental* and that i needed to learn how to "control my reaction to stress" and "learn how to relax". horsesh*t. two weeks led to four weeks and i realized that it wasn't stress or an inability to relax. it was my body's inability to process gluten that had pirated my health and my life. granted, it took a lot of reading, researching, and asking of the correct questions, but i feel like i'm on the right path. the more i read the more it all makes sense. why certain restaurant visits led...